Have you seen one of these blurry squares and wondered what it was? It’s a QR (Quick Reference) code, and you’re likely going to see more of them in the near future.
QR codes are scanable bar codes typically generated to provide instant information on a mobile device. The best part, they can point you towards just about anything. You can print them, digitize them, wear them, put them on a sticker and slap it on a street sign (not that we suggest this option), hang one in a store window, use them as environmentally friendly tickets, business cards, and so on and so forth….you get the idea. If you haven’t seen one yet, you’re in luck! In fact, we think you’ll be seeing more and more of them….everywhere! They create unlimited options for exposure to small businesses, organizations, bands, gangs and really anything you wish to promote.
How great is that? Answer: Super Great.
Here are a few Forté generated examples:

Our Team

Forté Facebook Code

Forté Twitter Code
The real key in helping QR codes evolve, is motivating more people to download scanner apps on their mobile devices. Without a scanner app you can not explore the coded messages you will encounter, and you will encounter them.
What fun is that? Answer: none.
From an advertising position, we get excited thinking of creative ways to incorporate the codes. We have some really great ideas in the making, and we look forward to rolling them out shortly. How could the use of QR Codes help your organization? If you need help figuring this out, we’d love to help you.
Happy scanning, and happy Friday to you all!