November 11, 2011 – 12:48 pm
Get Forté. Increase your volume… 11!! Our brand line is so perfectly fitting for today, wouldn’t you agree?
By Chris Goldschmidt
Also posted in Blog, Branding, Video
Tagged 11/11/11, Advertising agency, Alabama, Birmingham, Branding, Forté Marketing Group, Increase Your Volume, Louder than 10, marketing firm, Nigel Tuffnell, Spinal Tap, Up to 11
| invites you into the personal spaces the design team has created for their clients. The work samples are beautifully designed and they’ve also proven to be useful tools for the team in their showroom. “Richard Tubb Interiors feels privileged to help plan where you’ll live, laugh, and enjoy the most comfort. The result? A treasured place reflecting who you […]
By Chris Goldschmidt
Also posted in Art/Design, Blog, Branding, Website
Tagged Birmingham Alabama, David Walker, Design, Forté Marketing Group, Interiors, Richard Tubb, Sean Beam, Showroom, Site Launch
Our hearts and prayers go out to all of our suffering neighbors as they begin attempting to recover from this week’s tragedy. The damage is unbelievable and the loss is too large to quantify, but We Are Alabama and we’ll be strong even when it seems impossible. That’s just who we are, and there is […]
December 23, 2010 – 9:34 pm
We at The Forté Marketing Group have experienced a truly fantastic year of business, travel, growth, and fun! It would be virtually impossible to recall all of the notable moments, but we have taken the time to make a top 10 list of our favorites from 2010. We work hard and we have a blast […]
October 22, 2010 – 2:39 pm
As smartphone applications become more widespread and quickly becoming the primary source for finding information, there are new apps released by the minute. It is easy for a really cool or useful app to go unnoticed because a user in the app store has well over a million to browse.
October 13, 2010 – 4:41 pm
As I was talking with my co-workers this morning the topic came up, “Remember when TV used to have more ads than air time of the actual show you were watching?”.
By Chris Goldschmidt
Also posted in Blog, Branding, Campaign, Other, Social Media, Strategy
Tagged Content Management, Facebook, Good News, Lisa Barone, Media, Promotion (marketing), Social network, Television
September 1, 2010 – 3:57 pm
Anybody else give their electronic device a personality? You’re not alone. The Wall Street Journal on Saturday, August 28, has a thought-provoking article, “Sweet Talking Your Computer,” about how we give them personalities—and become attached to them over time.
By Chris Goldschmidt
Also posted in Blog, Branding, Other, Technology
Tagged Apple, Computers, Impala, Macbook, Personalities, Soul, Steam Powered, Technology, Wall Street Journal
August 27, 2010 – 5:30 pm
QR codes are scanable bar codes typically generated to provide instant information on a mobile device. The best part, they can point you towards just about anything.
By Chris Goldschmidt
Also posted in Blog, Branding, Campaign, Non-Profit, Other, Print, Social Media, Technology
Tagged Brand Exposure, Code Readers, Eco Tickets, Free Advertising, QR Codes, Quick Reference, The Forte' Marketing Group
Our White Boards are officially up, thanks to our Art Director aka in-house painter, Gray Richardson. Gray worked overtime this past weekend getting the boards painted. The paint takes a week to dry, so we are all anxious for Monday to test them out for the first time. Here is a preview of the boards up and […]
At Forte we realize that power is in your brand. This article along with that thought sparked a question for our White Boards (which are almost finished, by the way!) – Is it the design, the functionality, or a combination of both that makes Apple the dominate brand in technology today?