Category Archives: Social Media

It’s Always Nice To Share!

People tend to share the most around 9:30 Eastern Time. 75% of clicks on a share will happen within the first day that the content is shared.

Shameless Self-Promotion

As I was talking with my co-workers this morning the topic came up, “Remember when TV used to have more ads than air time of the actual show you were watching?”.

QR Codes – An Excellent Tool For Creating Brand Exposure!

QR codes are scanable bar codes typically generated to provide instant information on a mobile device. The best part, they can point you towards just about anything.

Socially Mentioned And Honored

Today I was checking how far our online efforts are reaching and realized we were given props on Tommy Toy’s blog yesterday. More than likely we wouldn’t have seen his post so quickly, if I hadn’t run a search for Forté on  I can’t express how important it is to monitor what people are […]


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