Category Archives: Other

Forté President, Jamie Warren, Makes His First Solo Flight.

Forté President, Jamie Warren, Makes His First Solo Flight along with a wing-mounted GoPro Hero along for the ride.

Forté Wins Best of Show at I Love Homewood Day

May was a great month for Forte as our very own Michel Le won “Best of Show” for his Spiderman chalk art creation at this year’s We Love Homewood Day.


Our hearts and prayers go out to all of our suffering neighbors as they begin attempting to recover from this week’s tragedy. The damage is unbelievable and the loss is too large to quantify, but We Are Alabama and we’ll be strong even when it seems impossible. That’s just who we are, and there is […]

Resurrect Hope This Easter Season.

Through our work for The Jimmie Hale Mission, we help the homeless and hurting enjoy a new and hopeful life. And, today, we’d like to ask your help.

How You Know When You Have A Great Idea On Your Hands.

A simple rule to follow when attempting to spot a good idea is this: Look for a light bulb hoovering above your head.

It’s Not Easy Being Green


Top 10 Forté Moments of 2010

We at The Forté Marketing Group have experienced a truly fantastic year of business, travel, growth, and fun!  It would be virtually impossible to recall all of the notable moments, but we have taken the time to make a top 10 list of our favorites from 2010.  We work hard and we have a blast […]

Summer 2010 – U.S. Army Highlight Reel

We’re so very thankful for all of the amazing clients we’ve had the opportunity to work with this year! We’re honored to present this highlight reel from the 54 U.S. Army spots we created this past summer.  If you enjoy the video as much as we enjoyed making it, then you’re in for a treat!! […]

Friday Playlist for 11-12-10

The Forté Playlist for Friday November 12th, 2010

Shameless Self-Promotion

As I was talking with my co-workers this morning the topic came up, “Remember when TV used to have more ads than air time of the actual show you were watching?”.